Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I've moved...

Back to my old blog!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dear Blog,

I've been meaning to write for so many days now but always find myself doing other things and finishing new projects. I apologize for neglecting you. I know I've also said this many-a-times, but this time I really feel like I'll stand by my word. I plan to post again. Frequently. Or at the very least, once a week when college is in session. There are so many things to update you on, such as last semester, my boring vacation, new hobbies, and most importantly, finally figuring myself out - major-wise. Well, I hope I've finally figured myself out.

Blog, I know I said I wouldn't change locations two posts ago, but after my realization, I really do feel like I need some change. Not too much change though. I'm thinking of just moving back to my old blog - the one before you. You see, I feel like this blog resembles me when I was "lost" and without a clue of what to do with my life. But now that I'm pretty sure of what career path I'd like to take on, I feel the need to move back to where I felt more complete, more myself. I know this might not make much sense seeing as I knew less of myself then compared to how much I know about myself now, but I guess the whole name thing plays a role in it too. Moving back to my old blog makes me feel less like "some college student" and more like an individual... And I think that's what I need to kick start my newly discovered self.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I seriously need to start blogging again... I miss it.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I thought about creating a new blog for the past couple days... but in the midst of writing this post, I changed my mind. Sticking with this blog shows me how much I'm learning about myself and how much I'm changing through my college days. I guess this just calls for a layout change then. Not now, but soon. :)