Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Something's not right. My UMass spirit is dwindling. I don't know what it is exactly, but I don't feel at home like I did in Van Meter. I guess I still love UMass and everything, but something just seems to be missing. It might not even necessarily be this dorm. It might just be me. I feel out of place. I haven't even been in the mood to meet people or socialize. Maybe I'm just going through one of my semi-depressive/antisocial states. At least, I hope this is the case so I can get over it and come to love UMass again...

Another reason making me fall out of love with UMass might also be peoples longing to make and become friends with everyone else. People seem to try too hard or act too cool. Toren brought that up about his roommate, and I guess it made me realize that that's how my dorm seems to be like. I guess I'm just not interested in becoming friends with people who care more about partying than they do their college education. I'm starting once again to become someone solely focused on academics and self improvement. I know it sounds selfish, and a little dumb on the whole "networking" aspect, but I just feel like hanging out and becoming "friends" with people I won't stay close with or ever be close with is a waste of my time. I can be joining clubs, studying my ass off for kinesiology, or hanging out with the ones I already love...

But I understand. This is only the second day of classes (my first). I shouldn't be so standoffish. Let's just hope these days get better. Wish me luck!


  1. OMG I FEEL THE EXACT SAME THING AS YOU! I was going to tell you all this the next time I had the chance too! We shall elaborate these thoughts with each other soon.

  2. Yes, we shall!

    And the picture below says "Van Meter/Butterfield writing/art gallery; First place!!"

  3. Lol so after sitting down for near half an hour intentively catching up on your blog i can say that ive sucessfully caught up AND YOU SAID NOTHING WAS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE! >:[ lol well knowing you, all will change for the better if you allow it to :]. Just look at it from another perspective!


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