Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Good Life.

What's motivated me to write this post was a conversation I had with Toren last night. I asked him what he'd do with a degree in Public Health. He had no definite answer. Instead, he explained to me why he chose Public Health over Kinesiology; "because I want to graduate in time." The second he said that was the second I realized how much my perspective on college, and education in general has changed.

I remember very clearly something Nemat told me once before - that college students have great lives. I've finally come to terms with that. As students, we pretty much just live to learn and play. This is the time in our lives where we have complete control with everything we do. We decide when we want to have classes, when we wake up, when we have days off, the clubs we join, whether or not we want a job, and pretty much what we want to eat. I can't think of much we don't have control over.

Why Toren's words struck me so hard was because he basically chose his career path due to his inability to graduate in four years. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I just found his logic to be so idiotic! Why on earth would you pick a direction to lead your life in without knowing where it can take you, while you know very well the destination of the other? And to make his decision sound even more idiotic, he also knows he wants to do Kinesiology! He knows his heart's in it. That's what phases me the most - he knows what he wants, but he seems to have such a great fear of sticking UMass out for another year that it's holding him back.

Anyways, I'm going to finally go inside the library (I'm currently sitting outside and soaking in the sun) and do some work. Au revior! Tu me manques. French class is going very well so far. :)

1 comment:

  1. I concur! :D college life is awesome. but you know what would cap it? experiencing this life with youu...come visit me bitch >:P <3 lolol


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