Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Taken by Emily
For some reason, I just got a sudden rush to go back to UMass. I'm looking forward to really learning again. I mean, I did my best to try and teach myself French through all those videos, read a ton of books, and find a job - all of which I did to an extent - but I just really want to start learning about the human anatomy as well as see if I'm interested in learning about nutrition. I'm so excited about my classes. I'm also excited to meet a ton of new people, reunite with old friends, and get closer to some.

On another note, my position at Cirque ended on Sunday. It was so sad not to have time to have a real goodbye with some people. It kind of sucked due "tear down" occurring directly after the show ended, which meant even us workers had to leave as soon as possible. I'm actually quite sure everything is completely torn down by now and that they're on their way to DC already. I really hope I work for them again. I met so many new and awesome people, got such an amazing inside scoop of Cirque, and built so many new connections. I also feel like I've grown once again and become a more open person. I'm going to miss Cirque so much. I already do! To be honest, I'm even thinking about traveling to Chicago next summer to work with them! And see Chicago, of course. :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am infatuated with a coworker of mine. So much that I have Ashley Parker Angel's "Crazy Beautiful" in my head. Long story short, we were beer pong partners:)

To evaluate on this post, I think he might just be playing with me. He tells me I'm pretty/beautiful every time we bump into one another, but I'm sure he has a girlfriend of some sort back home. Oh well, he's just fun to be around with at the moment. Let's hope there's another Cirque party before he goes.

Mobile Blogging

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Huy gave me a BlackBerry some time ago. It used to be locked and have limited functions, but I finally got it to work about two days ago! That means I'm not using my rock anymore! In addition to that, due to my ability to text more easily and just wanting texting in general, I've finally gotten it! I know it's long overdue, but hey, it's better last than never, right?

Anyways, I set up mobile blogger just so I can blog on the go instead of not blogging at all. Also, I can now blog whenever something comes to mind.

I hope this post comes out well! I'm still not sure whether I can give this post a title. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)

So it turns out that each 160 characters comes out as their own post. I guess I'll just have to post little updates from now on if it's through my phone. I guess that's better than nothing. I don't really want to join twitter that much anyways. Connecting to another Internet realm would take up too much of my life.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

May I have this walk?

Good news: I walked from work to South Station with this guy I have a teeny tiny crush on today! He's just adorable. I adore him. He's so cute. :)

Bad news: I've been eying him since I first laid eyes on him and haven't talked to him this much until today! What makes this situation so sad is that today was the last day we're scheduled to work together since he has to leave for school on Thursday? Which is in California. And I can't work on his last day (Wednesday) because I have jury duty... But I hope I see him that day when I watch OVO with Paul!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tweet, Tweet, Twitter.

I think I need a Twitter to post all my random thoughts... Like, when is it that we look back on our old photos and think "Boy, I've changed a lot" or, a ton of other things that have gotten lost in my sleep due to my laziness to log online. I'll probably just make one once I get texting. I believe you can tweet through text, right? Until then, I'll probably lose all my witty thoughts... or maybe, I'll do it the old conventional way of writing them down.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Work (Cont.)

I haven't ran/jogged in about a week. I feel like I've become such a sloth! All I do is work and read. I don't even watch my French lessons anymore. This is sad. I'm starting to disappoint myself. (Well, I guess I'm not disappointing myself that much because I did accomplish much of what I wanted to so far this summer.) I don't know. I think this whole not-jogging thing is taking a toll on me, as it always does. I guess that means I'll just be finishing my book tonight and running tomorrow! Oh, and I'm quite motivated to squeeze some French in there too.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I'm finally getting more hours at Cirque! Next week I'm working five out of the six days they have shows! That's insane. I went from 2-3 days a week to five! It's exciting though, seeing as I've been begging for more hours since the start. I'm just worried I'm going to kill my feet! But wish me luck. It's going to be interesting.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Paul is right.

We went jogging today and talked a lot about majors, minors, and school in general. I told him I think I've come to a conclusion that I want to try and double major in Kinesiology and Nutrition. After long discussions, he brought up the thought of being able to see me in the field of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine. To my surprise, I think that field fits me perfectly.

I've actually always wanted to do something involving young adults due to my belief that it is such a huge part of someone's life, and I think this is a great way to do just that. It would also be fantastic to be able to help guide people to live healthier, more fit and nutritious lifestyle.

All these thoughts make me so much more excited for school and the things life has in store for me. :)

P.S. I reactivated my facebook because I realized there is only so much more time until work is over! The befriending begins! ...soon.

Friday, August 6, 2010

In love with Love.

I was always a believer in love. I've always had faith that in time, people would end up with the person they were meant to be with. I guess you can say I believe in "soul mates."

Just recently, I've realize I'm slowly becoming one of those people afraid they won't find their other half. After watching countless television shows, such as The Bachelor/Bachelorette, that revolve around romance, I've realized they are the cause of these thoughts. The "reality" of gorgeous men and women not being able to find love makes me slightly question my own ability.

Luckily, I'm not one to be influenced so easily - especially on this topic. Now, I don't know why I have so much faith in love, but I'm glad I do. I'm also glad for each and every relationship and heartbreak that I've had and will possibly have in the future. They teach me things. Things about relationships, things about the person I'm really looking for, and things about myself. I feel like all the heartbreak and pain is worth it. Because in the end, once you find that person - the person you've been looking for all this time - none of that will matter.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dandelion Days.

Let's Kick Fire
Dandelion Days

This song doesn't explain it any better...
My roommate introduced me to Adam. He's her brother's friend, and he happens to make damn good music. I was lucky enough to have a roommate who blasted these lovely tunes many mornings throughout the year. They made me a very joyous waker, and got me though many uneventful times. I only hope they do the same for you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Work, I love you.
Track, you calm me.
Books, you entertain me.
French, you educate me.
Music, you understand me.
Life, I live you.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And I thought my heart wasn't in it.

In the beginning, that is.

Little did I know, I ended up liking him more than I thought I would. He had the kind heart that I longed for. And even the parts of him others may have seen as "fault," I looked at them as individuality. I trusted him a lot - with myself and with my heart. I believed his was in it too, but I guess somewhere along the line, his stopped.

I don't know what else to say. I still think he's a great guy. I still respect his kindness and his entire persona, really. I don't think any less of him. I actually wish him the better - with life and with everything that may come his way. He's a good guy and he deserves good things...

To be honest, I'd say this is my first real "heartbreak." (Not including the whole Dave thing, of course.) I guess I've always been the heart breaker in the past. It's definitely odd being on this end, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm sure it's just because our relationship didn't get the chance to progress that much. Or, it's just because of the way I take things. I don't know, but I do know others have it a lot worse. It'll be interesting to see how I get over this...

I'll end this post with not a song, but a hopeful quote that I think more people should take into consideration - religious or not.
"God, grant me strength to accept those things I cannot change."
—Camerlengo Ventresca, Angels & Demons

Monday, August 2, 2010

Personal Reminder:

  • Look and apply for work study jobs (library, rec center, touring?)
  • Apply for leadership positions
  • Join clubs
  • Keep academics up
  • Get to know professors
  • To be continued...

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I've been meaning to blog for the past two days, but I've just been having such serious brain farts. Writer's block has really been getting to me.

On another note, Peter Cetera, former vocalist for the band Chicago, played at the Esplanade earlier today (or yesterday if you want to get literal)! I only made it for two of his songs, but it was amazing nonetheless. He has such an beautiful voice. I feel lucky enough to have even heard one of his songs live. Not to mention, they were both songs I'm familiar with. I'm so thankful my mother used to turn on the radio and listen to all the oldies. Music back then was so raw and beautiful. I'm so glad I've grown up to love and appreciate it.

Anyways, I believe this was the first song I heard him play today. It's funny because I can relate to it at this moment in my life.
Chicago 16
Hard to Say I'm Sorry

P.S. I wonder what it feels like to be Peter Cetera or anyone who made/makes such beautiful music. I wonder if they know how much they've affected peoples lives.