Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Taken by Emily
For some reason, I just got a sudden rush to go back to UMass. I'm looking forward to really learning again. I mean, I did my best to try and teach myself French through all those videos, read a ton of books, and find a job - all of which I did to an extent - but I just really want to start learning about the human anatomy as well as see if I'm interested in learning about nutrition. I'm so excited about my classes. I'm also excited to meet a ton of new people, reunite with old friends, and get closer to some.

On another note, my position at Cirque ended on Sunday. It was so sad not to have time to have a real goodbye with some people. It kind of sucked due "tear down" occurring directly after the show ended, which meant even us workers had to leave as soon as possible. I'm actually quite sure everything is completely torn down by now and that they're on their way to DC already. I really hope I work for them again. I met so many new and awesome people, got such an amazing inside scoop of Cirque, and built so many new connections. I also feel like I've grown once again and become a more open person. I'm going to miss Cirque so much. I already do! To be honest, I'm even thinking about traveling to Chicago next summer to work with them! And see Chicago, of course. :)

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