Wednesday, January 27, 2010


After years of wanting to donate blood, I can finally say I've done it. But I still have to admit that it doesn't feel as rewarding as I thought it would be. People just seemed like a-holes to begin with. I mean, they probably didn't mean any harm, but I just felt like I was given an attitude for the most part. It seemed as though I wasn't wanted; like my blood wasn't needed and it didn't matter if I donated or not. There were just so many restrictions and being 18 didn't help at all. In fact, I was questioned even more. I never knew there was such a huge difference in being 18 and 19.

In addition to having a difficult time applying to be a donor, I also had a difficult time donating! Apparently, the workers found it difficult to locate my veins. It took two people to find them. The first person needed a second opinion and abandoned me, the second person finally poked me and got my blood going and then left because her shift ended, and then I was basically left for grabs. My veins were also misbehaving since it took me forever to fill the bag.

By the way, they checked my iron my poking me in the finger! I still remember getting those shots as a child and hating every bit of it. I actually still do. My finger is bruised and in pain. As you can tell, I've been a big wimp today. I feel drained of energy and I'm not sure if it's because of my loss of blood or if it's just me being lazy. The muscles around my joints just don't seem to want to work. I feel like a paraplegic.

On another note, my netbook is screwing up. The keyboard and touch pad keeps freezing. I mean, it has been doing that for a while, but I've always just ignored it. I think it's time to finally do something about it though. I don't want to worry about losing work anymore! I just hope I still have warranty for it and can get it replaced or something.

Anyways, I'm going to bed. I need to catch up on sleep. I think my lack of sleep has to do with this lack of energy. Goodnight.

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