Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hello World,

This is going to be my new blog – for this semester, at least. (Wow. This sucks. My keyboard just fucked up, made me restart my computer, and deleted everything I just wrote except for my first sentence. Great. Anyways...) The reason for this new blog is because of my English 112 class. We're required to write journal entries daily. It's no big deal though. I'm okay with this assignment because I've wanted to blog daily for some time now. This just gives me the motivation and reason to do so. (Amazing. I just found wireless internet in my dorm!) I also plan on making this blog more personal and raw compared to my previous blog, which was vague and 'professional', if you will. Honestly, I'm just using this blog as a place to spill my thoughts, ideas, guts, and feelings out to whomever is willing to listen; or read. So with nothing further to say, here goes my first post.

It's my first weekend here at UMass this semester, and I feel kind of different... I no longer feel the need to hang out with friends daily. You know, I've already met great people whom I love living with. I just feel like I have too much fun and need to focus on my own life more. I feel like I'm at this place in my life where I'm stuck, and there hasn't been too much progress. I feel like I'm still at the same place I was a couple years back. I mean, I'm growing, maturing, everything. The problem is that I still don't know what I want to do with my life. I also don't feel the need to party or follow people around. I guess I've just always been the type of person who does their own thing and lives their own life.

On a different note, I've already met some more people in my dorm and I'm pretty interested in getting to know them more. They have similar personalities to me. One of their names is Max. He's a really sweet guy, pretty quiet but open at the same time, chill, fun, great to talk to, someone I can relate to, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, “never, never” we'd say, and he's just a great guy overall. He seems like someone whom I can become close friends with easily. We don't look for trouble and seem to just enjoy the presence of others. I don't know where he is at this moment, but I hope I get to talk to him sometime tonight. I plan on having a productive night; reading, talking, getting to know others, playing games, and just doing my own thing.

I'm done blogging tonight though. I've actually been looking forward to posting all night. It took me such a long time to find some time away from all the chaos in my dorm. I'm actually in my lounge right now, which always seems to be my safe haven. It's kinda weird that I can find comfort and privacy here seeing as this is the main entrance and people walk by all the time, but yep. This is my haven. Anyways, 'til next time.


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