Monday, January 25, 2010


I gave myself some goals this semester, but I hate to say that I haven't been fulfilling them. I was planning to read and finish a book every two to three weeks, but I haven't even read 10 pages of it. I have, however, been reading daily.

On another note, I've been feeling a bit down lately. It's not such a big deal though. It's not like I'm depressed or anything. I just feel like there's something missing at the moment and I'm not exactly sure what that something is. It might just be because I feel a little lovesick. Lots of talks about romance and boys have been going on this past week and I guess I kind of wish I found someone myself. It's really no big deal though. I have all my life to find a guy.

It's kind of weird to be writing about relationships on a blog for my English class. I mean, I do put my blog up for the world to see, but it's just weird knowing my English professor might be reading this.

Anyways... to continue on with the whole relationship business, I've found myself to be crushing on this guy. I know I said I'd name names, but I'm not sure if I should; seeing as someone he knows may stumble upon my blog and tell him. It's nothing serious though. I just have a little crush.

I've realized that I say that to myself a lot; that 'it's nothing' and nothing is what's going to become of it. I guess it's not necessarily a bad thing. Before, I'd go after a guy a couple days after meeting him. Now, I don't. The reason for this is because I don't want to do that anymore. I told myself I'd get to know someone as a friend before really making a move. and that is exactly what I am doing. I'd say it's better that way. It worked when I liked Matt, or thought I liked him. (I told you I'd name names!) But yeah... I'm glad I didn't do anything with him. I just look at him as a nice guy now. Not really someone I'd pursue at the moment.

Anyways, it's getting late and I have a 10:10 in a few hours. Keep tabs, and goodnight!

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