Sunday, June 27, 2010


I decided to hang out with Thomas after Bottom Line's block party, and boy, was it a good idea! After being denied of entry from Northeastern's library, we roamed around and saw a couple of people playing frisbee. Intrigued, we went our way looking to purchase one for ourselves. After realizing their convenience store didn't sell frisbees, we stumbled upon their Wiffle Ball & Bat. Without question, it was purchased. I can't even begin to explain how much fun we had with it. We attracted so many strangers and friends, playing a triumphant 3v3 game resulting in a 12:1, as well as tons of tossing and hitting. After hours spent playing Wiffle ball, we ended the day playing frisbee until dusk.

Even after waking up slightly sore and with a messed up foot, I'd spend my day like that all over again in a heartbeat.

So if you're ever with friends and bored, I'd recommend purchasing a Wiffle Ball & Bat. It has the potential to supply you with hours of incredible fun.

P.S. I think I'm heading off to NY tomorrow for four days. It's about time I visit the other half of my family. I should be back sometime Thursday. Don't miss me too much! I hope you enjoy your week. A plus tard mon ami!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I'm slowly coming to realize that you were never what I was looking for. Sure, you may have the charm and a bit of the sweets, but every time I see the "real" you, I see someone hiding behind a facade, a mask, not willing to show his true colors. It seems like you're tying too hard to be someone you're not, trying to fit into a world so different from your own. But maybe I'm just making an ass out of you and me by assuming. After all, I never got to know you that well...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I'm glad you're giving me the opportunity to get to know the side of you you don't really show anyone else. I feel a lot closer to you. I like knowing there's a side of you that can be serious. I admit that I wasn't sure if we'd be able to go anywhere with this, but with each conversation we have and after every time we see one another, those doubts slowly diminish. I really appreciate all the effort you've given thus far and I hope we continue to grow.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh, Leonardo.

I am currently reading Dan Brown's infamous "The Da Vinci Code" and completely hooked. Every chapter ends with a cliffhanger and leaves me wanting more. What makes the book even better is that there seems to be lots of interesting history in it, which I hope is all true, as well as the use of the French language! I can't wait to find out what happens next. I also want to finish the book so I can watch the movie. With that said, I'm going to go back to it. Au revoir!

P.S. Today's song is:
Blessid Union of Souls
Walking Off the Buzz
Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me for Me)


Saturday, June 19, 2010

I've fallen off the face of Blogger.

Well, not really, but I did for about three/four days. I have an excuse though! I had an interview with Adecco Wednesday afternoon, which I spent lots of my time preparing for, and then another on Friday (earlier today) for the Omni Parker House, which prolonged my preparations and stress. It's safe to say they both went well, although I can't be considered for the Omni because of school conflicts. Now, I'm just waiting until the week of July 6th to re-interview with Adecco in hopes to work for the Cirque du Soleil. It would be so awesome to work for such a renowned company! The only thing I'm worried about is the limited number of Usher positions left. I just hope luck comes my way and I get the job!

On another note, I received an email from Urban Outfitters stating that they're going to have open interviews this upcoming Wednesday. They never contacted me about my submitted job application, but I guess this is another shot, yes? I sure hope so. I'm not sure which job I'd want more though - Adecco or Urban... Actually, I'd most likely choose Adecco. When else would I get an opportunity like that? I can always apply to retail stores after. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Little things.

They always get to me. As much as I try to get over Dave or tell myself that I am over him, his presence alone is just so hard to deny.

Over this past month, I've come to realize that I'm fooling no one but myself. Yes, he may have had feelings for me, or exhibited what seemed like feelings, but they mean nothing to him now - nothing strong enough for him to act upon. He probably looks at me as nothing more than a friend, while I do the complete opposite. It's just wrong. It's wrong on my part. I guess I've just realized he's not doing anything I wouldn't do, or haven't done. I just have to take everything he throws at me, and view it from a friends point of view rather than a lovers' - friendly hugs, friendly walks, friendly kisses on the cheek, etc. I mean, I do the same things to guys I adore but not necessarily like. Maybe that's what I am to him.

It's funny when the tables are turned and I get a taste of my own medicine...

On another note, here's one from my beloved's.
Ferraby Lionheart
Catch the Brass Ring
Vermont Avenue

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I had such a fantastic night last night. It was wonderful - somewhat magical, even. It was fun, romantic, refreshing, exciting, new, everything. It was one of those nights you'd wish never ended. I had butterflies the entire time, and I don't think I've gotten them for quite some time now. But even with such a great night, a part of me still feels uneasy about everything. I think I'm just questioning where the road would take us.

However, those butterflies are still with me. I actually woke up with the remembrance of his scent. I miss it.

This one song lingers with me tonight...
So, since you want to be with me,
You'll have to follow through,
With every word you say.
And I, all I really want is you,
You to stick around.
I'll see you everyday,
But you have to follow through.
You have to follow through.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sex Appeal.

It took me a while to realize this, but I've come to believe it's the glue that holds relationships together - and all it took was one bad kiss.

So I won't give this guy a name, but all you really have to know is that he's one bad kisser. My first impression of him was, obviously, his physical appearance. He was quite a good looking man, and fit. He also had a sweetheart look to him, which is something I do find attractive. And to top it all off, he was a sweetheart. He was very caring, didn't take advantage of me when I was very tipsy (practically drunk) or alone with him, and he was also adventurous. In fact, he wanted to take me out on a date, which let me tell you, wasn't the typical movie and dinner, but mini golfing or batting! Now I don't know about you, but I've never heard of a man who mentioned mini golfing or batting before he mentioned a movie and dinner. On the other hand, maybe I'm just young and all the men I've ever dated were unemployed and practically broke. Haha.

Anyways, to sum it all up, he was basically one of those guys you could bring home to your mother - even to an Asian person's mother; my mother! But even with all his fantastic qualities, what always cut it was his lack of sex appeal. I hate to say it, but every time we kissed, my desire for him completely diminished. Is that why some people find the need to open their eyes when they make out with someone? So if the person they're kissing is a bad kisser, they can look at their physical beauty? I don't know, but it just sucks knowing how kissing makes it or breaks it in relationships. Studies actually show that "59% of men and 66% of women reported on occasion finding themselves attracted to someone, only to lose interest after kissing them for the first time" (Hooper). That's a huge percentage for something so seemingly small.

I guess the only reason why I'm really talking about this is because I tend to think about him from time to time, only to remember how little of a connection I felt due to his kiss. It's sad how someone could have so much, but all that can turn into nothing because of something so small.

Maybe it's just me, but I do think we as a society, have taken love and attraction to a whole new level. People never used to think this way...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wouldn't change a thing.

If I had a chance for another try,
I wouldn't change a thing
It's made me all of who I am inside
And if I could thank God
That I am here, and that I am alive
And everyday I wake
I tell myself a little harmless lie
The whole wide world is mine.
Rite of Spring

Everyone should feel this way about life.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I've grown to really like them. They tend to be fun, relaxing, and just overall enjoyable. I have to admit though, that it is because I started drinking. Yes, I had fun when I didn't drink, but partaking in the festivities does actually make it all the better. However, it's not because I get drunk or anything. It's because I feel more integrated with everyone. I can now play beer pong without having to find a parter who would drink for me. I can share drinks with my partner instead of basically forcing him/her to take them for me. We can also make celebratory "cheers." All in all, it does come back down to integration. I know people accept me whether I drink or not, but it's all about personal comfort. I drink when I feel like it. Most importantly, I drink when I'm having fun - not to have fun. I think people forget that all too often. Drinking has become such a norm that people think it correlates to fun when it doesn't. Not all the time, at least. There's a reason why alcohol companies plaster their beverages with "drink responsibly." Sadly, it's not always taken seriously.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Chase.

I'm not really sure what to write about at the moment. I feel like I can't say much about my feelings other than I'm not sure what I'm doing - about this boy, I mean. Haha. I'm confused. I'm not sure if it would be good for me to make a move. I'm not sure if he's ready for this or if he's matured to some extent. I'm not sure if I'm really what he wants.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I don't want to do all the chasing. I think I owe it to myself to be chased after. They tend to be the guys women stick with in the long run - those who work their butts off to get a woman. I think it'll also give him the opportunity to make a move and gain confidence...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


1. Something to commemorate my uncle: An ankle sock?
2. An anchor - Need to do more research on the history of tattoos.
3. Daisy