Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 1 — Your best friend(s)

Dear Best friends,
     I cannot begin to find the words to explain how much I appreciate the both of you. You two are amazing.

Thomas, I never thought we'd be as close as we are now. From the second I met you, I have to admit you were someone I wanted to be friends with. But then again, that thought did only last one second. After witnessing the crazy, energetic side of you, I wanted nothing to do with you. You were just too wild for me! It was thanks to our similar taste in music and bipolar selves that brought us together. What would we do without them both? ...Probably fall into a lonely, lonely depression. I'd like to thank you for being my go-to-guy, especially for my weird, awkward, and crazy spiels. Because, you know, you are weird, awkward, and crazy. But I thank you for that because you make me feel less of that myself.

Paul, what can't we do or talk about with one another? I don't remember exactly how we became so close, but it seems like our friendship happened so effortlessly. I hope I don't sound like too much of a man when I say this, but we're so alike! We work out together, play games together, eat together, talk about everyday life with one another, everything. Heck, I'd probably even wipe your butt for you if you couldn't do so yourself. Gross, I know. But hey, if I wouldn't, who would? Yes, I guess you are that worthy of a friend. And although you aren't weird and crazy in a Thomas way, you're dorky in a scientific way. I appreciate that dorky/quirkiness because it allows us to have many interesting intellectual and scientific conversations. They're well needed sometimes. Thanks.

To the both of you, thank you for putting up with me. Seriously. I know I can be a huge pain in the butt, yet you both choose to stick with me. Thank you for sharing and taking me along with you on your wonderful journeys in life. Thank you for always lending me your ears and taking time out of your busy lives to hang out with me and keep me sane. And most of all, thank you both for just being there and being yourselves. I could not ask for any greater friends than the both of you.



  1. lol <3 we are like peanut butter and jelly *hug* haha

  2. =') I'm glad I can be there for you and I also cherish our friendship just as much, if not more!

    P.S. If you wouldn't, I'd just walk around with a dirty butt.


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