Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Under the Bus.

I don't understand what happened with us. We were so good. What changed? It makes me wonder if you were ever sincere - if you ever had feelings for me. I question if this was just a ploy to get back at me, but at the same time, I can't see you as being such a guy. It's because of the way you're handling this situation that makes me think differently. I had so much respect for you but it's diminishing so quickly. Who am I in your eyes anyways? The last I remember, I was your girlfriend. But how can I be your girlfriend when you don't even talk to me? Our relationship has become such a one-way street. What happen to wanting to see me, wanting to talk to me, or just wanting to communicate with me in any way, shape, or form? I used to be something to you. It was either that, or you fooled me into believing so. Now, I'm quite sure I'm nobody. I don't even cross your mind, and I haven't for a while now. I guess I've just been an idiot for holding onto you and believing in us. I thought you a better person, but you proved me wrong. And shame on me for still believing, but I really hope you redeem yourself...

Once again,
The Bravery
The Sun and the Moon
This Is Not the End 

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