Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 3 — Your parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I know it may not seem like I appreciate you at times, but I hope you both know that I do - a lot. I appreciate every second you both work just to provide for Kevin and I. Not to mention, they're not the jobs you both prefer to do. I look up to you both for that because even after years of doing the same thing, you never complain. I appreciate every meal that's put on the table and every time you've woken me after oversleeping. I appreciate all the clothing you've helped me hem and all the things you've bought for me. I appreciate the memories and the times you've dragged yourself out just so I could play at the park. I appreciate how giving the both of you are because every penny that is made goes towards Kevin and I, while you never purchase a thing for yourselves. I am also thankful you trust me to go places at all hours of day, as well as allowing me to follow my dreams and goals wherever they may lead me to.

There are just so many things you both do that I am thankful for. I don't know of any other human beings more providing than the two of you. Words can't describe what you both do for Kevin and I, nor how appreciative I am. I know I never say this, but I love you two. I really do.

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