Thursday, April 15, 2010


So I've basically picked all my courses out already. I'm currently enrolled in Intro to Kinesiology and American Political Thought (PoliSci), and wait listed in French. I'm also enrolled in a few other courses I most likely wont take. I'm just keeping them there until I'm sure I get into my Anatomy and Physiology class. The thing about this class is that it's mainly reserved for Kin majors, and I'm not one of them. You also need to have taken Intro to Kin, which I'm enrolled in for next semester, but it's not a problem because I can take both of them at the same time. All I had to do was pick up a form to request to be in A&P, which I did not too long ago. What my problem is is deciding which lab I want to take. I have the opportunity to take my lab on Monday, which means I wont have classes on Tuesday (and Thursday), or take it on Tuesday at 1pm so I wont sleep too much.

I've also thought about leaving my Tuesday's and Thursday's open in case I wanted to pick up a job (preferably at Urban Outfitters in Northampden). Although, the only issue I have is wanting a job or internship that will do me good in the future, such as something educational or resume-worthy.

I never thought picking a time would come to be this complicated! Leave it up to me to make everything more difficult. Gr! I still have to think this through. I think I'll give myself a day. Hopefully I will have decided by then. Wish me luck.

P.S. I bought dried mango today! Kyle brought it up yesterday when we were talking because he thought dried banana was good (which isn't). Wait until he tries dried mango. :) I hope it's as good as the ones I've eaten in the past. I haven't tried it just yet.

P.P.S. I ran around campus today - totaling a little over 2 miles! I believe it took me around 20 minutes to do it. I'm so happy I did it. 2 miles was my goal and now I know I can definitely do it - outside at least. I have a problem running indoors. It makes everything a lot harder. By the way, UMass is even more beautiful than I thought. I ran along Governors Drive, and it was gorgeous. There were glass buildings and pretty flowers. It's a shame people don't walk there often or probably even know about it. Anyways, I'm getting pretty hungry. There's sushi today! Super excited. Chao.

P.P.P.S. Allie left. :(

1 comment:

  1. i got intimidated when i saw all these unread post D: haha but i realized i read them but forgot to comment. lol. lauren you are TORTURING the guys in your life D:. you lead them on then just drop them spontaneously while they go to sleep that night thinking the next morning will be another with you. Youre so mean D: haha ask dave out already!!!! geez. haha well i hope i can get to uma asap. ill give you the deeper dip on my schedule later!

    p.s. PICK UP YOUR PHONE, geez sometimes i just want someone to talk on the phone with for like..10-15 mins while im walking or something and i think of you but you never pick up. fuck your couch! pick up your phone! well..<3 :] haha


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