Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hot Hot Heat.

No, I'm not talking about the band - they are a band though. I'm not quite sure what they sound like, but you're free to give it a go. It's just been so hot out today! I think I even toasted a bit. The sad thing is that I think it was only 60 something degrees, almost 70 today. Tomorrow's supposed to reach 76 degrees. It's going to be so hot! I'm excited though. I'm not even sure what to wear. I'm thinking shorts so my legs can darken up a bit. They're pretty pale and veiny now. Hot, huh?

So I asked Nemat to do breakfast/dinner today or lunch/dinner tomorrow last night and he said that those times wouldn't work but proposed lunch after class. Since I usually work out after class, and can't work out after I eat, I declined his offer. I went to bed at 11pm that night with no intention of eating breakfast the next morning. After having 11 hours of sleep, I finally reached over to my radio to shut my alarm off when all of a sudden, my phone vibrates. It's Nemat! And it turns out that he can eat breakfast with me! So I jolt out of bed and get ready to meet him at Franklin. When we got there, we first looked for a table (I had every intention of only eating with him) but saw Tim, so we joined him and Cheyenne. I guess it was okay that we sat with others because people got to meet him, and it was nice to see that he got along with people well. He wasn't awkward or anything - just chill. After we left, he thought about possibly hanging out tonight, but he texted me a couple hours ago saying he wouldn't be able to.

I find it interesting how I constantly find myself wanting to see him even when I know I have that odd feeling about him. I think it's because I'm really interested in getting to know him. It's weird to say this, but every time I shower (yes, I happen think about him in the shower), I think about all the things I want to ask him - all these questions that remain unanswered and are waiting to be answered. He just seems so interesting, so well put together, and so mature but childish at the same time.

I think that's the thing about growing up that teens don't understand. With age really comes maturity. You really get to know yourself - know where you're heading. You talk about more diverse things, such as what you do during your spare time, what you do for fun, what you do with your friends, or at your job. You also have the ability to go places. There's a larger horizon. You have money, a car, an ID. There's so much that's out there when you get older. Relationships seem to get easier with age. You realize it's not fun and games anymore - that someone can become part of your life and your future. You begin to know what you want and what you're looking for.

Growing up... it's a big thing.

P.S. Happy April! I hope you all got pranked today!


  1. D: now i want nick least i knew him better than nemat :\ how old is he?

  2. .Topeka got me good this morning (er, yesterday morning?). A little part of me died on the inside when I thought they really changed their name.. Did you get pranked? How?

  3. I don't know how old he is... but I know he's at least 21. haha. Most likely 21.. He's a senior. And what do you mean you want Nick back!!! The last thing I remember is you not liking him (like that). Now you've changed minds and like Nick but not Nemat?!?! You're always doing this to me!!!

    I thought Topeka was kinda dumb... I saw it when I went to my bottomline meeting and was just like, wtf? I thought it was just my counselors customized google. lol. I don't remember if I got pranked. Maddie did though! and we tried pranking our RA. Didn't really work. :(


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