Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Good Life.

I've really been slacking on the whole posting thing recently. It's such a disappointment. I've figured out why though! It's because I haven't been getting that much work recently, which means I don't really go to the library all too often. And when I do, it's only for a short amount of time. With that said, life's been pretty chill. I guess I should be spending more of my time reading and studying and whatnot. I'll manage.

Anyways, I've still been talking to Jonathan since my last update. I think he actually might come. I don't know for sure yet, but he said he'd tell me by Wednesday. I'm excited. I really hope he visits. It's also Blackout Weekend next week, which should convince him a bit more.

So I didn't do much this weekend. I just stayed in the dorm and chilled. Shoko's brother came over and is still here as well as other peoples friends. He's really sweet. And speaking of people, my theory, as well as other peoples theory, of Nick hooking up with Grace was correct! I think he likes her, or they like each other. It's quite cute. I think they'd work nicely together. It's funny how I used to like him. I still think he's an insanely sweet guy and everything though. Good luck to the both of them. By the way, Nick was so drunk this weekend. He was so drunk that we danced together in the hallway. Haha.

Well... I don't really know what else to say. I haven't hung out with Nemat recently. We haven't even talked all that much. I'm still head over heels about Dave, which I still hate myself for. I've also realized that I'm a one man girl. What I mean by that is I can't picture myself dating two guys at the same time, or even kissing two different guys in one night. I can't even picture myself hooking up with a random guy, let alone two. I wonder how people do it. It makes me wonder if I'd be able to do that if I were drunk. Maybe I'll find out one day.

Anyways, I'm going to go now. Time to listen to music and eat miscellaneous items with peanut butter. It's an addiction I've had for quite some time now. Peanut butter and granola to be exact. Carrots are also a good snack. Oh, and I forgot to mention that there was a live concert on the hill today. It was basically a bunch of UMass bands playing outside. It's actually still going on. I went out for a bit but it got too cold, so now I'm here. But yeah... au revior!

P.S. Weezer - The Good Life. Listen to it!

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