Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I totally just slacked off really badly with this whole blogging thing. I have no idea where I've been for the past 5/6 days. All I remember is having an extremely tiring week last week, and as a result, doing nothing but going out on the weekend.

Speaking of the weekend, I hung out with Nemat really late on Friday night and it wasn't what I expected it to be like. All I have to say is that he really made me question what his intentions are. I don't know whether he's looking for a relationship or if he's just looking for fun. And to tell you the truth, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet if that's what he wants. I know I'm not over Dave and just wouldn't be comfortable to really be with someone else. As for fun, that's not what I'm looking for - not with someone whom I barely know and basically just met.

After that night, I came back to the dorm pretty early since he had a science show to do for elementary school kids at 10am. I caught up on sleep, ate breakfast, and hit the gym with Maddie. Afterwards, Maddie, Sihem, Shoko and I went to Northampden to go shopping at UrbanOutfitters since it was Worker's Appreciation Month and Maddie was given a friend's card thing from Allie (her friend back home), giving us 40% off everything. I ended up just buying two pairs of tights, which are of course, awesome. We got back to Amherst at around 9pm and went to eat at PitaPit. We went to bed early that night.

On Sunday, I didn't do much but eat a late breakfast and head to town with Maddie and Sihem at around 6pm. We did work at Starbucks until 10pm. Well, they did work and I picked my classes for next year. When we came back, we all got together and waited for Veronica to come back so we could sing her Happy Birthday. After that, I did my homework and slept.

Jonathan C. texted me over break and it made me realize how much I've missed him. It's interesting how I feel about him. I think he's the only guy I could allow myself to hook up with and just be cool with the next day. I think I'd actually feel comfortable being friends with benefits with him. Haha. I miss him and his flirtatiousness. I hope he visits this weekend or next weekend or something.

Anyways, I think I'm going to read some before I sleep. This week has been pretty relaxing so far. Yes, I know it's only Monday, but there doesn't seem to be much that's due this week. Not really any big projects or exams - just one Oceanography exam on Thursday. And speaking of projects, I think I did okay for my Anthro presentation last Friday. I might've missed upon a bullet point or answered it poorly, but overall, I think I did fine.

I think I'm going to call Jonathan tomorrow and see what's up. Also, tomorrow's my gym day! I've been feeling more rejuvenated lately, so I'm hoping I can run more. I've also been doing more sprints/faster runs recently on the treadmill instead of continuous long jogs. I think they work and make me feel a lot better. Once again, it's time for me to read and sleep. Goodnight loves. I've missed you dearly.

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