Monday, April 5, 2010

Relaxi Taxi.

I don't remember how that phrase came about or where I first heard of it, but I feel really relaxed right now. I finished writing my English draft last night and I'm pretty proud of it. I worked on it more after my classes today and will work on it a bit more tomorrow. It's nice planning things out and giving yourself time to do it. I feel less worried and in a rush. It's nice.

The only thing that's really on my mind right now is my Anthro project. I told Kevin, my TA, about my idea and he just looked at me awkwardly. He's so awkward. I almost feel like he's a bad TA because it seems so pointless to talk to him sometimes. You don't get good feedback or anything - just nods, and groans. It's interesting seeing as he's an Anthro major. You'd think he'd understand things more.
But with that said, I think I'm just going to wing it. Seeing as I'm presenting on the first day, I won't be able to compare my presentation to anyone's but the example presentation given. I don't even know if Kevin really knows what he's looking for. I'll be fine though. It should be a piece of cake seeing as the grading rubric is online. Talking about this makes me somewhat angry. I never realized how bad of a TA he was until I wrote about this. Therefore, I'm going to change the topic.

So... I texted Nemat today since we haven't talked in the past couple days. I figured I'd leave him alone over the weekend so he could spend some good quality time with his family without thinking about a girl. Hopefully that's what he was looking for and didn't take my lack of communication as a sign of disinterest. Anyways, I texted him a while ago just to make sure he hadn't fallen off the face of the earth, and he responded by saying "nope still firmly planted on earth!" I don't know if it's just me, but I thought that response was adorable. By the way, we're going to have another mini breakfast before class again. :)

Well, that's all I wanted to say today. It's been a nice but odd day. I think all this Anthro talk is turning my night from good to bad. I'll just do my project tomorrow, and read and chill tonight. Catch you later. Chao!<3

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