Sunday, May 16, 2010


I love my cousin. I finally hung out with her today since the beginning of the year. Surprisingly, we didn't follow our normal routine and go shopping. We stayed in instead. Although, it wasn't the greatest idea since we just stuffed our faces and hung out inside. It was nice nonetheless.

What I realized during our time together was that the only person in my family whom I'm really close to is her. It's not that I don't talk to my other cousins. It's just that the person whom I'm most comfortable with is her. I feel that if I were to get into some deep trouble, I'd probably tell her - although she probably wouldn't help all the time. Haha. I do love her though. Her harsh, playful self brings out the craziness in me.

Anyways, not much happened today other than our hangout. It's sad to say this, but I didn't end up going to that concert I was planning to all week. It was just bad timing and I had too much stuff to lug with me there. It's okay though. I'm sure I'll get to see him sometime or another.

I'm finally going to fill out my Urban Outfitters job application now... And you should give the artist I wanted to see today a listen. Here's one of his songs:

Ferraby Lionheart 
Catch the Brass Ring
Small Planet

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