Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today was a good day. I met some of Thomas's old friends, all of them being incredibly friendly and welcoming, and hung out with an old friend, David M.

We didn't do much but sing karaoke and wander, but it was enjoyable. It's just nice meeting new people. I've gotten so used to meeting people on a daily basis that it's weird when I don't. I feel like I've been seeking adventure for some time now. I like it. It keeps life interesting.

Although I had a great time with Thomas's friends, I have to say that the highlight of my night was seeing David. I feel like it was out of luck that we actually hung out with one another. It seems as if we always try to hang out yet never fall through with it. I blame him for being such a busy person. (Yes, you heard me David! Just kidding.) Anyways, we walked from Allston to Fenway updating one another on our lives. Well, it was more me updating him and him listening to me-for the most part at least. I've missed him, and it wasn't until our walk that I realized how much I did. I had forgotten how sweet of a guy he was. I forgot how easy it was to talk to him. It's weird because I've always felt comfortable around him. I can't remember a time when I didn't. It's a natural talent of his. I hope we hang out more often. And if you're reading this, we better! Call me when you're free, or whenever really. Love you lots! :)

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