Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One down.

It's sad to say, but my freshman year is basically over. I have one more final to take at 1:30pm, and then I'm done. I also believe it's my last day, which means I'm leaving UMass at around midnight. My mom called me on Saturday to tell me she's probably driving up later on tonight. I'm excited to go home, but sad at the same time. I'm going to miss everything here, especially the atmosphere. It's so calming. But I do have to admit that I miss my friends back home. I can't wait to see them. It's also good that I'm leaving so soon so that I can start job hunting. I really want to find an artsy job, or one at a retail store such as Urban Outfitters. (I might've said all this information before.)

I'm not really sure what else to say. I've been studying my butt off at the library for the past three days. I just took my Oceanography final, which was at 8am, and I think I did well on it. The next one I'm taking is my Biology "final" which is more of an exam because I had three professors, and this is an exam for information only covered by the last one. I'm giving myself some relaxation time because I've just been studying too much and need a breather. Also, after my final, I've made plans with Mike (the person who bought me the Black Pepper plant) to eat a late lunch and check out the Durfee Conservatory since I haven't yet. I feel a little awkward hanging out with him because he is, I guess, a little awkward (in a good way), and I think he has a thing for me. I don't want him to get the impression that I like him as more than a friend, but he's also a cool guy and I don't want to not be friends with him. I don't know what to do. I'm just not good with guys - never was. Hopefully he'll forget about me in the summer.

But speaking of guys, I've noticed that I have a thing for dorky ones. Haha. So for the past semester or so, I've noticed this guy at the library. I always thought he was cute, but nothing more. I didn't know anything about him, never heard his voice, nothing. He was just eye candy. About a week or two ago, when I was at the library writing my paper late at night, he was there. And he spoke! He was trying to use some machine and spoke to a 3rd floor RA in my dorm. Boy, did his voice catch me by surprise. It was one of the dorkiest I've ever heard. All I could do was chuckle and marvel at it. After that, I've been seeing him at the library all the time. Apparently, he works here. We've also spoken to each other twice! Once because he asked me if my workstation was missing a number, and the second because I found headphones at the computer I was using and gave it to him to return at the lost and found (he was supervising the room I was in). Anyways, we have yet to speak again. Hopefully I'll still see him around next year. He seems like a sweet guy.

I have to get ready and leave now. I'm meeting Maddie outside (the library) at 1pm so we can walk to our Bio exam together. Adios, and I'll probably catch you in Boston. <3

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