Saturday, May 15, 2010

Late Nights.

I've been staying up really late for the past two days. It's because I've been catching up on my TV shows and reading afterwards. I don't think I want to continue my vacation this way. I want to start sleeping early and waking up earlier. That way, I can have more sun in my day. It makes me happier. I also want to start running in the morning. I've been feeling quite lazy even on the day I ran. Although, it is only because running was the only thing I did. I miss the gym. I miss the bikes, the track, the weights, and the mats. I feel like such a sloth when I don't do my usual routine. I also feel that way because I eat a stupendous amount of food while I'm home. I literally turn into a couch potato. It's bad.

Anyways, I am still keeping up with my reading. I've basically been reading 50 pages a day. I also got my Urban Outfitters job application today! It turns out that I'm not late because they haven't openly started looking for workers yet. One of their employees told me she thinks they're about to start looking for people for the summer. I'm going to send my application in ASAP. I really hope I get the job. I think I might also apply for Victoria's Secret or maybe a store in the Galleria. I'm not so sure yet, but that's only because I wouldn't feel too comfortable changing my wardrobe to fit their dress codes. That's why I like Urban. I feel like you can dress however you want to there.

But that's all for now. I'm going to get ready for bed, read, and then sleep. I plan on having a good run tomorrow and hopefully go out later on. Au revoir!

P.S. I went to Y.E.S. today and Dave (the counselor) told me some guys were asking about me some time ago. Could it be Dave? The one that I'm practically in love with? It's weird because as much as I say I'm over him and as much as I'm trying to be, there are always some thoughts that make me remember the look he has when he sees me. But I know I just have to keep telling myself and reminding myself that he's not interested and that he and I hate one another's guts - more so I hate his guts than he does mine.

I also went to Northeastern to hang out with Thomas today and we ended up seeing so much wildlife outside of Curry! There was a turkey flying around in the trees as well as a squirrel carrying a baby squirrel in its mouth. Sad to say, the larger squirrel dropped the baby! But it's okay because the baby survived. It was scary though. We also saw their nest, which was at the top of the tree. Who knew all this went on right in Northeastern's backyard?

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