Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh, Gym.

Running and going to the gym was much needed yesterday. I ran around campus, which is a little over two miles, went back to the gym, biked for fifteen minutes, used the leg press and the leg adductor, and then ran two rounds around the gym's indoor track to end my workout. It was insane how much I sweat. My towel was entirely moist by the time I finished. It also wasn't just my face that was dripping with sweat, but my arms too! Sweat was coming out of the pores on my arm! Maybe I just haven't worked out that hard in a really long time, but I'm sure I've done that same workout before. It might've also been the temperature in the gym that added to all my sweating.

Anyways, I felt so calm and relaxed after that workout. I swear, nothing would've bothered or irritated me after that - not even a bug landing on me. Because of that experience yesterday, I was reminded of why I wanted to become a KIN major, or a masseuse even - to help people relax (through working out and becoming a healthier person). At least, that's what I hope majoring in Kinesiology will help me do.

On another note, classes are almost over. I only have two more to attend to - Anthro, which is tonight, and Oceanography, which is tomorrow. Then, I have a final on Thursday, which means I'll be studying my ass off tonight and for the next two days.

I told my mom about moving out and she said she'd try and get me either Tuesday night, or sometime Wednesday, hopefully. I'm excited to go home. I'm definitely going to miss Van Meter and everyone here, but that disagreement with Maddie just made everything weird. I think it was mainly the way she responded to it that night and morning. I mean, we're basically okay now, but the experience just threw me off. I am, however, excited to hang out with Thomas, Paul, my cousin, and others too. It's been so long since I've seen them. I'm also excited to work. Hoepfully I'll find an artsy job, one at UrbanOutfitters or another retail shop. I've been searching on Craigslist and found one that specialized in typography, which I'd kill to work for even though I wouldn't get paid. I just want the experience, and credit, if anything. I also want to read a lot this vacation. I've probably said that before, but yes, I still do.

I'm excited for the nice weather. It's sunny once again. It rained a bit earlier, but it shouldn't anymore. I'm going to head out for dinner now. I'm hungry, and it's really cold in the library. Anyways, ciao! Je t'aime beaucoup.

1 comment:

  1. Laurenn i can totally relate to you right now! it wasnt until right after i read your blog. i was actually planning to write a blog about the same topic after i read yours. I found out that i too depend on the opposite sex alot right now, its a bad feeling to feel :[. But yeah, about the maddie thing i think you behaved more appropriately than i would have. Ever since Huy, people that ignore me after a tense situation usually have me talking to them MORE. because i want to get it threw people's heads that ignoring me isnt the way to settle a dispute. but yeah..i hope your toe is doing well and i feel kinda jealous that im not one of those guys you call when you feel down but its w/e :P Have fun! :D im excited to see you in boston again :]


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