Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today was the first day of my break. I didn't do much of anything at all. I basically just stayed home and ate like a couch potato. That's actually what I've been doing all week, except I studied for my finals instead of staying at home. I haven't even hit the gym all this time, which makes me feel gross. And now, since I no longer have a membership at the YMCA, nor am I at UMASS, I'm thinking I'll just run around the track near my house or around the beach. I can't wait.

Being on break also means that I have to start doing my goals, which I've already failed to do so already! I told myself I'd go get a job application at Urban Outfitters as soon as I got back home, but never did. It's okay though. I told myself I'd stay home since today is my mom's day off and it would be nice to have her in my presence for once. I will, however, go tomorrow... if my brother doesn't use his T-Pass. Anyways, I figured I should list my goals/plans out so I wont forget or miss any. Here goes:
  • Read daily (at least 50 pages a day for Breaking Dawn)
  • Reteach myself a little French
  • Look/Apply for jobs
  • Continue running (maybe be able to run continuously for 3 miles before the end of my break)
  • Hang out with old friends
  • Get over or get with Dave (It'll be one or the other... most likely get over)
  • Apply to be in Commonwealth College (application comes out on May 22)
  • Sell shoes I don't wear and my books
  • Clean out my clothes
  • Continue blogging (trying not to miss two days)
That's all I can think of for now. I'll update this list if I think of anything else. And since this is all typed out, that means I should get started on my reading! Ciao. :)

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