Saturday, February 13, 2010

3 Day Weekend. (Cont.)

Molly left today, so I feel even more alone than ever. I got to know her better after sleeping there and chitchatting. She's too nice for her own good. She can't seem to say no to a "friend" she's known since childhood. I guess she just feels like she can't end their friendship after all those years, as if she has to stay friends with her. In addition to that, she's the most adorable thing in the world because she's never kissed a guy! How cute is that? I really wish her the best of luck in finding a man that will treat her well.

I talked to Jonathan yesterday and convinced him to visit me sometime this semester. He said he would've visited this weekend if I had asked him earlier. I really wish I had! I'm just going to blame his crumby car. Anyways, we talked for a good amount of time. I feel bad because we talked so long that I missed watching No Country for Old Men with Max and Stefano. I seriously have to stop ditching them! I feel like I do it all too often. But the talk with Jonathan did make my night a lot better.

I'm not sure what else I should say... Thomas and I got into a stupid argument yesterday. Our moods were the complete opposite and everything just crashed in front of our faces, but that's alright. It was a stupid, and I guess I was in too good of a mood to give a crap about his at the moment. I can be such an asshole sometimes. It's one of my flaws, but I'm slowly working on it. I think the majority of people need to work on it. It's nice to genuinely ask other people how they're feeling. I know I feel good when someone asks me... and the key word is genuinely. Not a 'Hey, how are you' while walking by someone. Those are always answered with "good"'s, which lack as much sincerity as the question being asked.

Anyways, I'm just going to start watching Bones from square one, and read a bit after. Catch you later, dearest.

1 comment:

  1. sorry lauren :[ lol I acted stupid. >.> ilyli :P


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