Saturday, February 20, 2010

Unusual Sleeps.

I haven't been very tired lately. There's something wrong with me. Since Thursday night, I haven't had the urge to sleep. It was around 4AM when I decided to sleep that night, and I only arrived at that decision because Maddie was sleeping. I, on the other hand, had no tired bone in me. I was awake as I would be on a perfect sunny day. That morning, I had to wake up at 8AM, which meant I only got 4 hours of sleep (at most), but it didn't matter to me because I had energy throughout the day. I even forced myself to take a nap which only lasted an hour when I wasn't tired. If you know me my naps usually last for about two hours, yet this time I woke up by myself after just one.

Last night, I wasn't tired as well. A couple of us stayed in my room until 4:30AM talking. Maddie and Nick were the first ones to start falling asleep, leading Matt to go to bed. Nick, after going downstairs, realized that he had locked himself out and returned. He ended up sleeping with me. I had such a hard time sleeping and it wasn't because he was in the bed. I couldn't really fall asleep until 6AM. After two hours, I woke up feeling perfectly fine. Nick was somewhat awake too. He had to leave at around 9AM because his mom came to pick him up for the weekend. After he left, I decided that I should try and get some sleep. I slept for about four hours and woke up to Sihem's knock at 1PM. It was finally then when I realized I was somewhat tired. Maddie and I decided not to get breakfast with them. Instead, we just talked about my sleep with Nick and whether or not I liked him. So since I told her I did, I can finally tell you (if you haven't figured out already) that the guy I've been talking about all this time is Nick. Yep. So the secret's out. Actually I wasn't as much hiding it as I was holding it back.

Anyways, I don't think my posts have been making much sense. I feel like I've been rambling a lot and writing when there's lots of people in the room. Blah. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. I'm going to go brush my teeth for breakfast now. Talk to you later, loves.

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