Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sleepless nights.

I'm having one of those nights. It sucks because I actually want to sleep. I need to write my English paper tomorrow and then peer edit it with Ian. Grr. I hope I don't keep him waiting too long.

Anyways, today was a slow day. It felt more like a Saturday than a Sunday. Everyone went to watch a movie while only a handful of us stayed at the dorm. I'm actually glad I stayed because I got some laundry and cleaning done, and hung out with Raf and Nick. I haven't seen them in a while. It was a nice day to relax and I'm glad I didn't spend five hours watching a movie.

On another note, I hung out with him again and I do think there's a possibility he may like me. I stopped by his room as Mean Girls was playing on the television, so I decided to joined him. He was mainly focused on Call of Duty as the others watched the movie. I took a seat next to him on the ground seeing as it was basically the only place to sit, and after a couple minutes, he turned the game off and sat next to me. We somehow ended up wrestling for a second and then sat intertwined with one another. It was then that I realized he might possibly like me. After the movie was over and some time had passed, we ended up lying on the bed again - Shoko included - and were basically forced to spoon with one another. Now I'm not sure if I'm reading the signs correctly, but I think he was subtly playing footsie with me. I don't know.

I'm never sure about how to read guys. However, he does believe, just like I do, that relationships shouldn't be forced (i.e. set ups, etc.) and should happen naturally. I guess I'll find out sooner or later...

Oh, and I got a package in the Cluster Office! I wonder what it's gonna be. 4:26AM and still not tired...

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