Sunday, February 21, 2010


I had an amazing weekend. I hung out with Maddie all day yesterday. The longest time we were apart was when I took my shower.

Right when I came back from my shower, I was told to get dressed in five minutes because we were going to a party, and what an amazing party it was. As you may know, I'm not much of a party person but this was the best party I've ever been to. The people there were chill and friendly, one of the owners I met were extremely welcoming, and the atmosphere was just great. I talked to a lot of people, which also isn't something I'd usually do.

To make my night short, I had such a great time that I actually thought about taking the shot the owner of the house offered to me. (I believe his name is Namar.) Anyways, I declined at the moment because first, no one I really knew was with me at the moment, and second, I wasn't completely sure about it. What that situation has made me realize is that the reason I haven't drank yet is because I'm looking for that moment. That moment being one when I'm really having a good time and feel comfortable drunk or sober. That party was actually it. I don't think I would have regret having taking that shot, but at the same time, I don't regret not taking it. I'm sure there will be other times to come, and if I just so happen to be having a great time once again, I might just take that shot. I also think the owner played a role in it. Seeing as he was chill and hospitable reassured me that any decision I made wouldn't be a bad one. He just gave off a good vibe and had no bad intentions in him. His house was also extremely clean seeing has it is one that hosts parties.

Anyways, we left the party at around 3AM and walked back to the dorm. Surprisingly, the house was really close to Van Mater. It was a nice walk since it wasn't cold out. When we got back, a couple of us ordered food and Maddie and I decided to go downstairs to eat it. We met this guy named Chris who was a friend of a friend's and was locked out of the room. Sadly, he really wanted to sleep and was getting emotional because of the lack of it. All of a sudden, Maddie offers him our floor to sleep on and he surprisingly takes the offer. Once we walked up to our floor, we visited Tim's room and Chris ended up getting harassed by Mike, Alec, and others about being gay (whom really isn't). I'm guessing they just wanted to mess with someone. They ended up playing around with him until 5AM. I felt really bad so I offered him my bed and I slept with Maddie. Anyways, we ended up going to sleep and waking up with him gone.

Now I have to finish this post because I need to cut Matt's hair! He's allowing me to cut it shorter, or basically give him a buzz cut, and he doesn't mind if I mess up. Time to get this show on the road. Adios lovers!

1 comment:

  1. lol SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS-SHOTS-SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS EVERRRY BODYYYY lol >.> you said you would cut my hair! wtf. D:


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