Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's a small world.

Damn it! I skipped a day of blogging once again. It's not because I'm sick of blogging or don't want to do it, I just run out of time in my day or get caught doing something else.

So... speaking of the Worcester guy, I told Gabby about him during lunch so we looked for him. Sadly, we couldn't find him. Gabby said I'd see him if it we were meant to be. I left Worcester today without seeing him.

On the bus to Northampden for Shoko's tattoo, guess who I see. That's right. The guy. I was shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the same guy whom I saw at Worcester. The super sweet, kind guy. He was standing right next to the seat I was sitting in. We caught each others gaze but didn't say anything. Once the bus cleared up a bit and seats opened up, he sat down two seats in front of me. I got off the bus without saying anything to him.

I'm at Lucky's right now. I've been here for quite some time, and Shoko's finally getting tatted up. Maddie's downstairs accompanying her and Sihem and I are sitting upstairs. I think I'm gonna head downstairs to switch with her soon. But before I do that, I have some juicy news out for you fellow readers. If you recall, I've been talking about this certain someone for quite some time now. (The guy in my dreams, if that helps.) Anyways, I went to his room last night to watch a video for Soc class with his roommate and ended up staying there until 2AM. Yep... 2AM. After watching the video, I got pretty tired and lied on their couch for a bit. Then I somehow maneuvered myself onto that certain someones bed. After he was done playing games, he got on it too and we ended up lying next to one another for an hour or two. As we were talking, I noticed that his arm was around me and somewhat holding me at times. There were also other times where he'd roll over and wrap both arms around me. Cute, huh? Haha.

Anyways, I'm not completely sure about the whole thing going on between him and I because I don't know his intentions. (By the way, Shoko's tattoo looks sick.) Also, it's because his roommate is sort of a guy. By that, I mean that he's always talking about sex, women, and whatnot even though he has a girlfriend. I know he's loyal to her and all, but I feel that his intentions are mainly about fucking, and that might be rubbing off on the guy I'm interested in. Who knows... I'm sure we'll end up talking about this sometime if he is interested in what might become of us.

About an hour left until Kevin's gonna be done with Shoko's tattoo. That's what it looks like now.

I can't wait to get one of my own.

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