Monday, February 8, 2010

The Importance of Friendship.

Thomas' post has got me thinking about friendship and how it plays such a huge role in relationships with significant others.

When I starting dating guys, the only thing that mattered to me was the fact that I could state I was in a relationship. I always thought I was a late bloomer when it came to relationships. I felt as though everyone had already had a boyfriend and kissed a guy by the age of thirteen, leaving me to be the oddball. I was ashamed and longed to be in a relationship for all the wrong reasons. I "liked" guys I knew I didn't, and even "went out" with one I thought was gay. When I had my first kiss, it was with a guy I met only a couple weeks prior to that. I remember the relief I felt knowing that I was no longer the girl who never kissed.

I went out with that guy for a month, claiming I was "in love" with him. That was the thing when I was thirteen - love. Every relationship I had around that time was believed to be true love, and trust me, I went through a number a guys claiming to be in love with them. After realizing each of those relationships ended within less than a month, I decided to end the madness. I took a break from guys.

Within that time period, I thought a lot about relationships and began taking them more seriously. I no longer rush into them, but become friends with a guy before trying anything. I have to admit that I could use a bit more practice on that seeing as my past relationship seemed quite rushed, but I have been doing a lot better since. I was quite convinced I liked a guy during my first semester of college, but decided to wait it out and get to know him more. I'm glad I did because I don't think we would've worked out in the long run.

Now, I'm waiting it out a bit on this guy that I might be into. Part of me feels like things are going slow, but that's just my hormones talking. I'm actually quite happy about the pace of things. We really do act like friends. I have to admit that we do act like we're more than friends at times, but it's nothing serious. We haven't kissed or anything, which is how I want it to be like at the moment. He seems like a great guy. I think I've been calling him that a lot because he really is. I don't think I've met anyone like that his age, or even older yet. Maybe I'll write a post explaining why he's so great in the future.

Honestly, sometimes I think his personality is flawless, causing me to feel self conscious about my own. Sometimes, it makes me think I may not even be good enough for him. But I know we both have our flaws and I'm quite willing to accept those of his I currently know. Hopefully he's willing to accept mine.

Anyways, it was because of Thomas that I wrote this post. I miss him and the comfort he'd bring with him. It's hard to find someone you're comfortable with. As crazy as he can be, I'd say he's one of my, if not my closest, friends.

I'm done for the night. I still have work to do tomorrow. Hope your day is as lovely as it can be. Goodnight world.

1 comment:

  1. ilyli!! haha :] this post made my week. one here can torture me in a mall as much as you can. ironicly, im disappointed. have to see my new jackettt! i <3 it.


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