Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I've been thinking about this major a lot. After going to my Anthro 234 (Art in a Cross-cultural Perspective) discussion and learning a bit about cultural anthropology, I've been putting it into daily use. I feel as if everything relates back to it, or could relate back to it. I'm always thinking about things in other peoples perspectives now. I mean, I sort of always have, but never to such an extent. The best thing about this class is knowing that there are people out there who are extremely open minded. It bothers me when people are stubborn and refuse to accept points of views different from their own. It's such a relief knowing there are others who do.

On another note, I've been going to the library right after my classes for the past two days and have been very productive. I usually do the majority of my work there, and come back to the dorm with time to do whatever I want. It's so relaxing. This routine allows me to blog at this time of night! It's not even 1AM yet! I love it. I think I'm going to continue doing this for the rest of my semester. All I have to do now is squeeze time for the gym in there. The problem with that at the moment is I'm sick. Stuffy and runny noses along with sore throats don't go well with increased oxygen uptake. It just makes everything burn and run more.

With that said, I'm going to leave you and try to get a good nights rest. By the way, I've been craving bacon pizza for the past two nights. Is that weird? Also, I'm slacking on the job applications. One is due on Friday and I'm going to kick myself if I miss the deadline. I really want this job. Wish me luck. <3 always.

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