Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blab, blob, bleb.

I don't know what to write about, but do at the same time. I just checked my email and it seems to me that I'm not a Ski & Snowboard board member anymore. I guess I have to sign up again. It's just a pain in the but because I've emailed them numerous times and haven't gotten a single response back.

Another thing on my mind is my mystery guy. I know I've said this one too many times, but I'm still somewhat confused about how he feels about me. I don't know why I feel like I need to say that for every post. I guess it's just because I'm always around him, which makes me think that I should spend less time around him. I feel as if I'm almost living with him. In fact, I was in his room today more than I was in my own room. That's a problem. I guess he's also a distraction. His room is like a warp hole, and you feel like you can't leave once you enter.

The third item on my mind is Matt. I've missed Matt so much! I decided that today was a good time to talk to him and catch up. We didn't talk too much seeing as it was 1:30AM, but we did have a nice little conversation. I found out he's planning to go on a bunch of skiing trips with his friends and family. He's so lucky. I wish he'd take me! Anyways, I realized that I miss talking to him and the random visits he'd take into my room last semester. I miss the crazy stories he'd tell me and just his general presence, but all in all, I'm glad we still talk occasionally and tell one another about random interesting facts.

Those are basically the three main things floating about in my mind at the moment. I also feel like I need to start being more productive and hitting the gym. By the way, I went to the library today and checked out the new Learning Commons. It's huge. We have so many more computers! Anyways, it's getting to be that time again, so peace, love, and happiness to you all.<3

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