Thursday, February 18, 2010

Consider the Lobster!!!

I just read this essay in my English book and had to write about it. The funny thing is that I can completely relate to this essay. It's basically about people eating lobster and never, or rarely thinking twice about how it was made or whether or not the lobster had suffered any pain. This essay basically created awareness of animal rights.

For as long as I can remember, I had always thought about whether or not it was right to kill animals. Throughout my childhood, I had watched the killing of many chickens in a chicken coop in Chinatown. The chirping, screaming, and plucking of chickens was never an appetizing noise. After witnessing that as well as the deaths of many other living organisms, I've come to realize that I do not have the audacity to harm or kill a living thing. Therefore, I'll probably become a vegetarian when I get older unless my spouse cooks for me.

Anyways, I have a biology exam tomorrow and I have to study for that. I just finished my English homework, which was reading that. Now it's time for a shower. Adios!

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