Monday, February 22, 2010

(Grateful Dead) Update

I realized that I never talked about the Grateful Dead concert! It was amazing. I had such a blast. It's been a while since I've gone to a concert and it made me realize that I've missed that type of atmosphere. I love the energy and the fact that everyone there shares similar interests. Even though I knew nothing about the Dead, I felt that vibe. It was nice. The funny thing about it was that the majority of the audience was made up of "hippies" and older people who smoked tons of weed and cigarettes. It's unusual to see so many adults partaking in this activity.

Going to this concert made me remember how much love people have towards music, especially if it is for a band that is, so infact, loved. Being there made me wish to be at a Death Cab concert. I'd kill to go to one. I've actually added it to my 'list of things to do before I die' - which isn't all that long because I just started it at that moment. The sad part is that they haven't been touring; not around the U.S. at least. According to their myspace, they've only been playing in certain areas.

Anyways, I'm at the library once again. I don't have much work to do - just a draft due Wednesday - but I want to get it over with so I don't have to rush tomorrow. It'll also be nice to do things at my own pace as well. In addition to that, I'm finally tired. It's not too bad though. I'm not tired to the point where I'll fall asleep in a class. I'm just tired to the point that once I put my head on a pillow, I'll pass out.

Well, I'm going to get my essay started now, or at least read for biology. Today's going to be a long day seeing as I have my 6:30 Anthro class. It'll be fun though. I'm excited. We're having a guest lecture. The artist whose work (Swallowed) is showing at the Hampden Gallery is coming for a talk. This will be interesting. A tout a l'heure!

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