Tuesday, March 30, 2010


He intended to watch a movie at the theaters, but I stated borrowing one would be better, so we did. At around 8:45PM, he picked me up and we drove to the redbox at the Big Y. When driving there, we realized we entered the parking lot through the wrong side, requiring us to exit and go around. But before exiting the parking lot, he suddenly makes a stop and hops out of his car to get wine. Isn't that sweet? (Even though I had no intention of drinking on a Monday night.) I thought it was. Anyways, after that, we got to the redbox and browsed through movies. It was difficult finding a movie seeing that almost all the movies I was interested in were ones he'd already seen, and all the movies he was interested in were ones I had already seen. Due to this inconvenience, I decided to end this madness, so we settled for Saw VI even though I hadn't seen the fifth one.

The movie was good. We had a few laughs here and there after he saw my way of reacting to gory, grotesque parts. I also stayed a bit longer so we could talk and just get to know one another better - not just watch a movie and depart. I found out that he has three older sisters, and is really close to his family. I also feel that he considers his little brother from Big Brothers Big Sisters as an actual little brother. The reason why I came to this conclusion was because he went to Mexico during Spring Break and came back with gifts for his family - his mother, sisters, and little brother. The fact that he actually calls him his little brother, instead of Jonathan, almost all the time just justifies my belief even more. I also found out about his dream job and what he really wants to be instead of a doctor. It's the cutest thing ever - an astronaut. I love it. Haha. Anyways, I left his house at around 1:15AM since it was getting late.

I'd say it was a good date. It was fun. It's interesting how I feel so comfortable around him. It's either because he's just that great, or because I've grown out of my shell. He mentioned a second date, which I believe he wanted to occur sometime this week. Once again, to bring up my odd feelings about him, I do feel like we're almost seeing one another too much so soon into this. Again, I'm not sure why I feel this way. At the same time, I do look forward to our next date. It's just that (the only way I can describe it as is this "odd feeling) that odd feeling is getting in the way a bit. Maybe we won't actually have a date date, but something like a lunch date or a dinner date. I'd be perfectly fine with that. For some reason, I just really like talking to him and getting to know him better, and I think a food date would be a good one for that.

Anyways, I have a Bio exam tomorrow and also biblical annotations to write and a paper to figure out. Catch you later.<3

P.S. I went to see his presentation today with Maddie at Campus Center. It was something like a science fair. He presented his senior thesis to us and answered all the questions we had about it. I could also tell he really appreciated us coming because he thanked me a couple times last night. I feel like he's really different because the the average person wouldn't seem so thankful. But yep. That's him. :)

P.P.S. I woke up so tired today. Luckily I only had one class. I'd usually go to the gym and library after that class, but because I haven't been so exhausted in such a long time, I decided to head to the library and skip the gym to take a nap. I feel bad for skipping the gym, but it was completely worth it. Also, I went to the gym on Saturday, which is something I don't normally do, so I guess that made up for it a bit. I think I might try and squeeze some time to go tomorrow anyways.

1 comment:

  1. i noticed you just SPAMMED pronouns. why dont you write out the guys name?...its kinda weird cause it seems like you are doing it on purpose>.>


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