Monday, March 1, 2010


As I said in my last post, I'm sick. I decided that I needed to get a good nights rest, but knowing me, I don't/can't sleep. Due to that factor, I decided to take some NyQuil. I'm glad I did. I ended up sleeping for ten hours last night and only waking up once in between. It didn't matter though, seeing as I fell right back to sleep. The best thing about my day was knowing that my first class was at 1:25pm. Normally, I'd start my days at 9am because of my 10:10am class, but that was a cyber-class today, and my 11:15 English class was canceled due to private conferences. I woke up a bit before noon and got ready to eat my daily lunch with the gang. After lunch, we headed over to our class and was surprised by the lack of people in it. For some reason, I figured it was just because we were extremely early. It didn't hit me until someone said that class was canceled that my professors wife might've just had a baby. The announcement for class being canceled ended up being on Spark, which just so happens to be a class I don't check regularly, but congrats to them both! Knowing class was canceled was somewhat annoying seeing as that meant I really didn't need to get up at noon, but I'm glad I did since I had to get some work done.

Due to the cancelation of this class, this meant that I had only one class today. This class just so happens to be my late class at 6:30pm. It's a lovely feeling to have a single class in a day when you're really supposed to have four and knowing that that class is at 6:30pm. For some reason, it took a load off my shoulders. I felt relieved with an abundance of time to do work, and sure enough, I did! I revised my English paper, did my Anthropology homework before class, and took my Sociology quiz. I planned on accomplishing these tasks by 9pm and did. I feel amazing. I have hours left to study for my Oceanography exam, which is tomorrow. I just thought I'd get blogging out of the way so I wouldn't have to interrupt my studying for it. With all this said, I'll catch you later. Wish me luck on my exam!

P.S. I'm at the library once again and being productive. I have no intentions of logging onto Facebook today. :)

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