Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spilling the Beans.

It's a hard thing to do - admitting your interest for someone at least. That's right. I finally told Trinh. I told her how long it's been, when it started, the general information. She had no idea. I wonder if anyone has or had any idea. I wonder if he told anyone - if there is anything for him to tell... I hate how this always happens. Whenever I see him, especially if it's been some time since, my feelings always come back as soon as I lay eyes on him. I feel like it's the same for him. At least, that's what it seems... He always puts on that face of his - that smirk, that smile before I run over for a hug. It gives me butterflies.

I don't know how I'm ever going to get over him. I thought long and hard over this and came up with the conclusion that it's time for me to ask. I have to know why he's holding back - why he's always been holding back. Why nothing has happened between us after all this time. I have to know what he's been waiting for or if he even feels the same. I'm so afraid - nervous to finally hear the answers. But I have time... about two/three months. I wonder what he's going to say. It would be funny if he's in a relationship at that time. It always seems to be the case whenever anything is attempted. We'll see. Two/Three months.

So tomorrow/today is basically going to be my last day to hang out in Boston. I was talking to this guy named Kyle whom I met on the train today and he mentioned being at Porter Square earlier on in the day. It reminded me of this cafe around there area called Diesel Cafe. Thomas and I are planning to grab lunch there tomorrow for the first time. I definitely recommend checking the place out even if you aren't going to order anything. It's wonderful. Anyways, Kyle and I were reminiscing about the good ol' days when transportation fares were fifty cents and when tokens existed. We had a nice conversation - a good look in the past that I needed. Hopefully we'll bump into one another in the near future.

Well, that was my day - filled with deep conversations and remembrances. It was relaxing and thought provoking. I definitely enjoyed it. I also got to see Alan and a few others, which was nice. I've missed them.

Anyways, here's my song for the night:


I chose it because it gives me a little flash back to the past seeing as it's been a while since its been released and since I've heard it. Enjoy.

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