Saturday, March 27, 2010


It's interesting to hear what people think about it - to find how whether or not they value it or what it means to them, if it means anything.

Yesterday was an interesting night. Due to privacy issues, I won't name any names, but what I will say is that people had, in fact, had sex. Both for different reasons and both with different backgrounds. Knowing one person, it was somewhat expected. They were just looking to get with someone, and it was basically normal. The other, on the other hand, had came back with a random person and lost their virginity to them. The fact that they just met this person and had sex with them, for the first time, just makes me question their values. Not only do I question their values, but just peoples in general. I don't understand how some people can just fuck someone they just met, especially if they met them from a frat. Do they think about their health - whether or not that person may have an STD if they too are willing to screw someone they just met? Do people even question anything about getting with a stranger? Or are their sexual desires more important? Does anyone even think about this or am I just being an uptight asshole?

Anyways, with that said, my Friday was okay. I think my night would've been better if I had taken a nap. I went to a house party, but was just too tired to enjoy much. I didn't even feel like drinking because I wasn't in the mood. I mean, the party was chill and all, nothing close to being as good as Nemat's, but it was still a good party. It was just too enclosed. Everyone was already friends with everyone and we were the only outsiders. The girls just hung out with the girls too. They didn't seem approachable, but the guys were pretty cool. The problem was that I wasn't in much of a social mood, which made me enjoy it a lot less. I did get a lot of cantabs though! There was also a guy who showed Maddie a stash of cantabs and helped her collect them for me! How sweet. :) What made the party a lot better for me, was the fact that Kyle was there! He was only there for a split second, but he was there! Haha. It's so weird how out of all the parties I go to, which is really none, I see Kyle. I don't know why, but as cute, adorable, and hot as he is, I feel somewhat awkward around him. I'm never sure what to say when I'm with him. I'd totally hit him up sometime just to hang, but I just need to get myself together.

So, since it's Saturday today and I decided to have the day to myself, I headed to the library after breakfast. And speaking of who I saw yesterday, I just so happen to bump into him today. Apparently, he's a tour guide. So as I'm walking towards the library, I see a mass of people standing outside, obviously getting a tour, but as I get closer to the group, I hear someone talking - a man standing ontop of a bench. I keep walking, getting closer and closer, and soon realize that that man is Kyle. Once again, out of all the tour guides at UMass and at all times of day and night, I see him once again. What are the odds? Haha. It's a small world out there.

Anyways, I have to end this post here so I can do some more research for my English paper and my Anthro project. Then I'm going to hit the gym later. This will be my first time working out on a weekend at UMass! I'm so excited. I'll catch you later. Have a nice Saturday! <3you!

P.S. I finally changed my profile picture! Molly took this picture of me with my phone that night when I was Skyping with Paul.

1 comment:

  1. sex? :P youre not weird..its just your friends that are weird XP


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