Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Vacation's been quite bland for me. I've spent another day doing nothing. I hardly even read today. I just ate tons of junk food and sat in front of the computer screen catching up on my TV shows. How sad. It's okay though. Once it stops raining, which is tomorrow (really today), I'll be wandering out and about. I have to photocopy papers for my taxes anyways.

Surprisingly, something I've really been wanting to do is go jogging/running. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I've given myself the goal to be able to run two miles continuously by the end of the semester. I'm sure it's not that hard seeing as I've done around 1.5 sometime last year, but it's difficult for me to take it on mentally. I have this issue where I only do 1 mile before calling it quits. It's partially because I'm running indoors, but I know I can do it nonetheless.

On another note, I've been looking for something fun to do. I've been in an adventurous mood all day today. I want to do something crazy - something I normally wouldn't want to do. I want to dare and take a risk. Honestly, I kind of just want to make out with someone I've always wanted to... except I've always wanted to do that. Haha. I wonder how people can just make out with random people. Don't they ever question whether or not they're clean? What if they have some contagious virus or infection? The thought of that just grosses me out. I wish I was someone who didn't think of these things so I could just go all out, but at the same time, I'm glad I do so I don't put myself at risk for anything.

Anyways, Thomas and Paul called me today and I missed both of them! I'm such an asshole for missing Paul's especially since I know he's always busy and if he actually called, that meant he found time to talk! :( If you're reading this, sorry Paul! If anyone knows me or has actually tried calling me, they've probably learned the hard way that I have a tendency to abandon my cellphone when I'm home doing nothing.

It's hard to believe that it's already Tuesday. I feel like my vacation's halfway gone. I feel like the biggest loser ever because I'm wasting it away. Good thing the weather's crappy though. It's my excuse. Really. I didn't bring my Doc's over and the pair of converses I brought over has holes in them. Plus, I hate wet feet and wet shoes. I've already endured a couple years of that. I'm surprised I haven't lost any toes due to frostbite. But yeah... I'm excited for nice weather to come. I feel like the Spring weather has crept up on us quite fast this year. I can't wait.

Speaking of not being able to wait... new cellphone plan tomorrow/later on today? Yes?! I sure hope so. Super stoked! I'm not looking forward to a new number though. Pooooopey once again. I hope I can find a way to keep it.

Eclipse time! Adios. Love you muchos! :-*!

P.S. I've been listening to Snow Patrol all day today. I love them so. This was the first song I heard from them today and it's stuck to me since. Funny how I find that it pertains to Nick so easily... or even Dave. But Nick more since we've shared the same bed before. Hah. Anyways, give this song a listen:

Snow Patrol (Website)
When It's All Over We Still Have to ...
8. One Night is Not Enough

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