Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend madness.

After the whole Friday night madness, even more drama occurred. Apparently, it was supposed to be Ashley's birthday weekend, but almost everyone "forgot" and left her. Instead, they got high/drunk, or left her. She ended up going to her room alone because of that. After realizing that happened, Maddie, Sihem, and I decided to take initiative and find a party we could all go to. Within seconds, we managed to find one, tagging along with Tom and Mike to Fearing Street. But before leaving, I noticed I got a text. From who? Nemat! Since it took him a while to answer, we left to go to Fearing and decided to hop parties if Nemat had one. After an hour or two at Fearing, Nemat and I texted back and forth seeing what we were both up to. It turned out that he was party hopping and heading to Fearing. To my surprise, he ended up at the house we were at! We were actually really lucky we saw him there because his phone died. If not, we most likely wouldn't have seen one another.

Anyways, after seeing him, we (Maddie, Sihem, Nemat, Morgan, and I) decided to leave and head to Kyle's house. It was around 2AM at that time and surprisingly, the party had already ended. When we got to the house, all that was left was empty beer bottles and cans. He did, however, still have tons of alcohol left. We all just took shots and headed over to Nemat's for a small after party. There wasn't much going on except a little Dominican dance party. It was cute. Everyone danced a bit and we ended up taking more shots a couple minutes after we got there. I took a half shot of some beverage at first, but it wasn't enough for everyone. They wanted me to take another, but I refused unless Sihem took one with me since I've never drunken more than 1.5. She took my offer, and we all took another full shot. By then, it was around 3AM. I knew I was tipsy even after my first, but who new I'd be drunk after 2.5 shots! Haha. I believe I knew I was drunk when I couldn't hold myself up after laughing uncontrollably when Maddie and Sihem reenacted Morgan and Ashley dancing in the most absurd way. It was hilarious. Also, to confirm my drunkenness even more, I started feeling sick, and that's right. I threw up... in front of Nemat. Yep. Haha. But he was really nice about it. When I was cold, he wrapped a blanket around me, and even brought me orange juice because he thought it would help with my sickness. Also, since I didn't want orange juice, he went to get me water. He was really sweet. It's unfortunate how he had to see me throw up, but the fact that he stayed with me before, during, and after showed a lot about him. Oh, by the way, we hooked up. Haha. The entire time we were together, Maddie and Sihem we all mushy gushy about us being together, saying that they approved of him. Those girls. Also, not only did I hook up, but so did Ashley and Morgan (if you didn't get the memo earlier about the dancing).

Anyways, I ended up staying over at Nemat's since I knew I just couldn't get back to the dorm comfortably, so the girls left together. They felt comfortable leaving me there because everyone could see what a good guy he was. He even offered to give me his bed and sleep on the couch! How sweet is that? Obviously, I didn't let him do that. We stayed up chatting until about 6AM and woke up earlier than we both thought. When I woke up, I swore it was noon. It was really 8AM (most likely almost 9AM). It was odd how re-energized I felt. I couldn't even go back to sleep until about 10AM. I finally went back to sleep until about 11:30AM, which was when he set his alarm so we could both wake up and eat breakfast with the gang. We got there at noon, which is a lot earlier than when we would normally eat. Because of that, only a couple people got to meet him. Also, it was because he had to leave at around 1AM for his Triathlon practice.

To sum this all up, we're planning to go on a mini date later today. Sadly, the weather isn't the greatest so we can't go anything outside. We resorted to watch a movie (preferably at his apartment because watching movies in theaters for a date is somewhat lame to me), but it'll be good nonetheless because that's just the type of guy he is. I hate to say this, but I'm just somewhat excited. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I know that I noticed him at first and he stuck out to me, but I feel different now. It's probably because of my Spring Break and my encounter with Dave. I feel like I just have to go through with Dave. You know, go out with him, get sick of him, and end it. I feel like I need that closure, or for him to at least not give me the extra attention he doesn't give to other girls. It's messing with my brain and my future relationships.

I have to do work now. I'm not sure when our date's going to end, so I'm going to do as much work as I can before. I'll update you tomorrow or something. Chao. <3


  1. .awwwwwwwwwwwwww lol

  2. .and a triathlete! holy shit! lol

  3. o.O longest post youve ever made :D. your weekend sounded so fun D:


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