Thursday, March 18, 2010

Good Day.

It was gorgeous out today. It felt like a nice summer day. Actually, it felt like a perfect day. Not too hot, not too cold. A buttoned down flannel over a tank top was all you needed.
As I mentioned before, I went to Y.E.S. today/yesterday. To my surprise, Dave came shortly before I was going to leave. As always, it was wonderful to see him. We hugged, and then he lead me over to the art gallery where we talked for a bit. It was nice... and unbelievable how much he made me smile. I just couldn't stop. He also showed me his new bike. He's in love with it. It's his baby. I wonder if there's anything that means more to him than that bike - if he'd give his bike up for anything. He was talking about how he almost fell flat on his face when he was riding it the other day and what the first thing he checked when he picked himself up wasn't himself, but his bike. Haha. Typical Dave and his materialistic items. It's a problem. Anyways, I told him I had to leave to go to the Post Office to mail my financial aid papers and he ended up walking me there. It was a nice walk - funny. I didn't have an exact idea where the Post Office was and almost walked into the wrong building, making a complete fool out of myself... haha. We had a good laugh.

Also, before leaving Y.E.S., we asked one another about our plans for the night and tomorrow. He said he was free and I told him how I'm going to this Open Mic Night thing at Northeastern (tomorrow) and asked if he could join me. Seeing as he's Dave and I'm me, there's no way I can say no. I'd kill for any moment to hang out with him. I know I sound desperate for him, but I'm not... It's weird. I think it's just because I know that there's this instant connection I get from him and there's no way I can control it. As hard as I try to fight it, it doesn't let loose. Anyways, my point to bring that up was to say that I'm finally going to really hang out with him once again outside Y.E.S. If you haven't noticed yet, this rarely happens.

So... we finally get to the Post Office, and see that the line is pretty long. I tell him it's okay for him to leave since Y.E.S. closes at six and his friend is there (I think), but he insists on staying. All of a sudden, he puts on his straight face and says "I'm leaving to go to Texas in May." and two seconds later, he chuckles. At first, I was frightened. When I heard "leaving" and "Texas", I thought (1) he was leaving for good, and (2) I only had two months left with him. After he laughed, I thought he was pulling a huge prank on me to see how I'd react, but he wasn't. He's really going to Texas, but it's not for long - four days, I believe. He was chosen to speak in front of people there for some reason I don't remember. It's cute. I can tell he's turned everything around and is taking his education seriously now. It shows character.

After leaving the Post Office, he walks me back to what turns out to be the wrong side of the train station, and hugs and kisses me on the cheek goodbye. Knowing me and knowing he's Dave, I walk aimlessly down to the train station with the cheesiest smile plastered onto my face. Boy, did I have the biggest butterflies ever known to man in me. Everything was just so difficult to consume... and the biggest thing that seemed to have happened was a kiss on the cheek. Haha. I feel 5-years-old all over again.

Anyways, I met up with Thomas after and we ended up talking a lot throughout the night. It was nice. I miss being without him in school. I feel like an asshole though. It was just supposed to be Thomas and I at the open mic, but I told Dave he could come. I don't know. I just feel like I can't give up the time I can get to be with Dave for anything. It's his first Open Mic Night too! How could I say no to that?! I hope Thomas understands... I'd do the same for him. Plus, there'll be more Open Mic Nights and more events to come. I'm sure of it. But still, I'm sorry Thomas! I hope you like him though...

It's late. I hope tomorrow goes well. Goodnight<3
 Today's song:
Peter Bjork and John
Writer's Block

1 comment:

  1. lol young folks! :] haha i like how you said you felt like 5 years old all over again XP


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